This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I had a great conversation with a newer visitor to the church today. We were both at our children's school, waiting for a traditional Christmas/end-of-the-semester program. "Do you feel ready for Christmas?" he asked. To which, I had to answer, "No." Advent is hard.

Personally, this is a time of year during which I wear many hats. At our finance committee meeting on Tuesday, I was the CEO of a not-for-profit organization. That means asking for year-end gifts, wrapping up stewardship, and beginning to budget for next year. As a parent, this is a time of final exams, school performances, report cards, finding the perfect gift, and trying to make the season special. As a minister, it is a time of worship planning and leadership, which this year has included an ordination. It's a lot. It sometimes feels like this is a season of juggling.

I can't imagine that my life is too different from yours. Today I heard parents speak about wrapping up projects at work and shutting down their offices. I personally watched a friend in sales step out of our school program no less than three times to answer calls. It's a busy time of the year for everyone.

And yet, through all of the busyness, I am convinced that Christ is calling us. Calling us to work towards a more peaceful tomorrow, calling us to hope for a better future, calling us to hold tight to the families that we love. We are reminded that even in times of busyness and crazy we are still called to show love and be loved. The love of Christ is meant to strengthen us in our joy and to lift us when life feels overwhelming.

My prayer this week, as we walk towards Bethlehem and the manger, amid this season of juggling, is that we can share the love of Christ that has been planted deeply in our hearts.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch