This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

I hope and pray that you are doing well. I also hope you have an amazing weekend. Parents, if you would like your youth group age student to do the YOUTH LOCK-IN, please have them sign up with Alex. We have had a lot of people say they want to do it, but only eight or nine sign-ups. It's hard to know how much food to prepare and how many supplies to get without specific numbers.

As we continue to emerge from COVID restrictions, I have noticed some changes in our community that, in an effort to be transparent, I want to share. I have noticed there's an eagerness to return to normal, but patterns of living have changed. I have resisted the term "new normal," but that seems to be what has emerged.

One week at church, between all three services and youth group, we have 300+ people participate; the next , 225; the next, 300+; the following, 270. It's hard to see the pattern for why this is, or even if there is a pattern at all. This seems to be true across all age groups. For example, the 8 a.m. service has fluctuated between 45 to 75 on any given Sunday. Is this a new normal? Our most consistent portion of the service is online with averages of about 40 viewers each Sunday morning. Like with youth group sign-ups, it's hard to know what to do, and what to prepare for with fluctuating numbers. It's also hard to budget as pledge and plate offerings go up or down from week to week. It's not bad, but it is different.

I want to hear from you. How can St. Martin's bring the Gospel to you during this changing time? How can we better distribute information? Am I being too antsy? Let me know. What it boils down to for me is this ... I really, really love our church. I see value in every Sunday, in every worship service, in every song, in every Bible Study, and in every gathering. I want to share these things with you. Your presence makes our community stronger. Your presence helps the fruits of the spirit bloom. Your presence helps the body of Christ grow. When we worship together, you spiritually strengthen both yourself and your neighbor. This builds community, and communities like St. Martin's are rare. They need to be shared. I want to know how we can share it better.

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


A new justice cycle begins for MORE Justice @ St. Martin’s