Support El Refugio and Refugee Resettlement


Our friends in immigration detention are discouraged, fearful, and anxious during this pandemic. While some have been released on asylum or had their deportation orders cancelled during this time, others have died while in detention from the virus. Take a moment this week to write a note of encouragement in Spanish or English to someone in immigration detention. Pictures drawn by children are also encouraged!

Drop off your letters in blank envelopes in the Parish Office mail slot with a note to Caitlyn with your name (so we can keep track of who has written). Our goal is to collect 100 notes for Stewart Detention Center (men) and Irwin Detention Center (women).

Instructions for how and what to write, and how to properly envelope,are found HERE.

We are also taking collections for refugee families being resettled right now through Episcopal Migration Ministries.

  • Material goods to support Interfaith Ministries for Greater Houston Refugee Services. This organization offers strong women’s empowerment programming. Items needed are on this Amazon wish list.

  • Digital devices. Most importantly, affiliates need donations of gently used digital devices -- tablets, smartphones, laptops -- so they can continue providing services and support to refugee families. Contact Caitlyn if you have devices to donate.


Whiteness and racial justice


The Great EpisGOpal Race