This Week from Mitch

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,

St. Martin's Labrynth

After Tuesday's storms, I hope and pray that you all are well! I also want you to know that your church community is here for you if you need us. If you have storm damage or downed trees and aren't sure what to do, email me. With the long weekend, I am sure we can get some folks to help.

This Sunday we begin to follow Jesus's journey away from the river Jordan as he starts his ministry. In this week's Gospel, Jesus calls out to the disciples, "Follow me." and the crazy thing that happens is that they do!

I wonder if they felt an adrenaline rush of adventure when Jesus called them. I wonder if, in the first little bit of leaving town, they felt like breaking into a run. I can read some excitement in their steps when I read the story.

I don't really believe in New Year's resolutions. They never seem to stick for me. I do believe, however, in using important times of the year to reset, to re-gain excitement, and re-engage with my faith, my family, and my health. January and Jesus' call to "follow me" seems to me like one of those times.

We've just celebrated Jesus' birth at Christmas. We celebrated the Wisemen coming at Epiphany, and this past Sunday we celebrated Jesus' baptism. Up until now Jesus has been the main character of our story and the others, the kings, prophets, shepherds, Mary, Joseph, and Elizabeth, have been relegated to the supporting cast.

But now, when Jesus calls his disciples, we also hear a call for us to take the stage. With Jesus's call to follow me, we get to start our journey. We get to follow, learn, and work for the Kingdom of God. For me, it's time to get excited!

In Christ,



This Week from Mitch


This Week from Mitch